Saturday 8 September 2012

Chapter 5 : Organizational Structures that Support Strategic Initiatives

Okay let explain about this chapter, if we learn in this chapter, we can compare the responsibilities of a chief  information officer(CIO), chief technology officer(CTO), chief privacy officer(CPO), chief security officer(CSO), and chief knowledge office(CKO).

We also can explain the between IT people and business people and the primary reason this gap exist, define the relationship between information security and the ethics.

+ responsible for 1 overseeing all uses of infromation techonology and ensuring the strategic alignment.

+ responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed, accuary, availaiblilty, and reliability of organization.

+ responsible  for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organization.

+ ensuring the security of IT system and developing strategics and IT safeguard against attacks from hackers and viruses.

. + responsible for collecting, miantaning, and distibuting the organization's knowledge. Design program and syesem.

That all for today, see u all later.. KBYE

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