Friday 7 September 2012

Chapter 3: Strategic Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantages.


From this chapter, i can list and describes the four basic compenent of supply chain management, explain customers relationship management system and how they can help organization understand their customers, summarize the important of interprise resource planning system and i can also identify how an organization can use business process reengenering to improve its business.

Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain strategy 
  • supply chain partner
  • supply chain operation
  • supply chain logistic 
Customers relationship management
involves managing all aspect of a increase customers relationship with an organization to increase customers loyalty and retention and an organization profitabilty.

Business process reengenering (BRP)
The analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprise
  • the purpose of BPR is to make all business processes best-in-class.

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