Saturday 8 September 2012

Chapter 8 - Accessing Organizational Information - Data Warehouse

For this chapter,the learning outcomes that we can get is, we can describes the roles purposes of data warehouse and data marts in an organization, compare the multidimensional nature of data warehouse with two dimensional nature of databases, identify the importance of ensuring the cleanliness of information throughout an organization and we can also explain the relationship between business inteligence and a data warehouse.

A data warehouse is logical collection of information-gathered from many different operational database-supports business analysis activities and decision making task.

Multidimensional analysis and data mining
-meaning that  it contains row and  layer of columns. For this reason, most data warehaouse and data marts are multidimensional datrabase.

Chapter 7 - Storing Organizational Information-Database

From what i understand in this chapter is, we can define the fundamental concpepts of the relational database model, evaluate the advantages of the relational database model, compare relational intergrity constraits and business critcal integrity constraints.

We also can describes the benefits of a data driven website and describes the two primary methods for intergreting information across multiple database.

Database advantages from a business perspective include.

  • increase flexibilty
  • increase scalability and performance
  • reduced information redundancy
  • increase information intergrety
  • increase information security
Relational database fundamentals

  • hierarchical database model
  • network database model
  • relational database model
  • database

Chapter 6 : Valuing Organizational Information

What i can describes from this chapter is, we can describes the broad levels, format and granularities infomartion and we can also differentiate between transactional and analytical information.

From this chapter, you all can describes each of the charaterestic of high quality information, and we cal also assess the impact of low quality information on an organization and the benefits of high quality information on an organization.

  • information is everywhere in an organization
  • employees must be able to obtain and analyze the many different levels, formats, and granilarities of organization information to make decision.
The value of timely information- real time information, immediate up to date information
                                              - real time system, provides real time information in response to query request.

The value of quality infromation - business decision are only as good as the quality of the information used to                
                                                   make the decision
                                                - you never want to find yourself using technology to help you make a bad  
Chapter 5 : Organizational Structures that Support Strategic Initiatives

Okay let explain about this chapter, if we learn in this chapter, we can compare the responsibilities of a chief  information officer(CIO), chief technology officer(CTO), chief privacy officer(CPO), chief security officer(CSO), and chief knowledge office(CKO).

We also can explain the between IT people and business people and the primary reason this gap exist, define the relationship between information security and the ethics.

+ responsible for 1 overseeing all uses of infromation techonology and ensuring the strategic alignment.

+ responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed, accuary, availaiblilty, and reliability of organization.

+ responsible  for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organization.

+ ensuring the security of IT system and developing strategics and IT safeguard against attacks from hackers and viruses.

. + responsible for collecting, miantaning, and distibuting the organization's knowledge. Design program and syesem.

That all for today, see u all later.. KBYE
Chapter 4 : Measuring The Success of Strategic Initiatives

From this chapter, i learn a lot of thing. For example, i can list and describes four types of effectiveness IT metrics. I also can explain customers metrics and their importance to an organization, compare efficiency IT metric and effectiveness IT metrics, i also can list and describes five common types of efficiency IT metrics.

Okay, here are common types of efficiency
*transaction speed
*system availibility
*information accuary
*web traffic
*response time

Effectiveness IT metric
*customers satisfaction
*conversation rates

Friday 7 September 2012

Chapter 3: Strategic Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantages.


From this chapter, i can list and describes the four basic compenent of supply chain management, explain customers relationship management system and how they can help organization understand their customers, summarize the important of interprise resource planning system and i can also identify how an organization can use business process reengenering to improve its business.

Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain strategy 
  • supply chain partner
  • supply chain operation
  • supply chain logistic 
Customers relationship management
involves managing all aspect of a increase customers relationship with an organization to increase customers loyalty and retention and an organization profitabilty.

Business process reengenering (BRP)
The analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprise
  • the purpose of BPR is to make all business processes best-in-class.